Data Backups

Ever lost your website content? Do turn to our backup solution

When posted on the net, your website content is a potential subject to hacker assaults. Alternatively, it could be affected even by your own personal unintended actions. With us, there’s nothing to worry about, since we keep a backup copy of your website content, which can restored at any time. Additionally, you’ll be able to create manual back–up copies of your whole web site with a simple click through your File Manager, which is integrated into the Website Control Panel. The system will successfully restore all your web site files and will copy them into a ZIP archive, which will be stored in your hosting account.

Data Backups

Web Hosting Control Panel

Manage your websites with just a single click

It’s now so much easier to gain full control of your web sites with the leading–edge Website Control Panel that we’ve developed for you with user–friendliness in mind. Handle all your website files with simple drag–and–drop movements, register, transfer and control multiple domain names from a single location, create mailbox accounts in a flash, manage electronic mailing list campaigns with ease, set up & access your databases with just a click of the mouse, monitor web site statistics in real time, etcetera. Innovative tools like an .htaccess generator, a framework installer and a hotlink protection tool are accessible too.

Web Hosting Control Panel

True Cloud Platform

Take a Tour

At QTLabs Inc., we are proud of employing a real cloud web hosting platform – every service is handled by a separate physical server, which suggests that all your sites will invariably open quickly even if the system is under stress. This cloud web hosting system was developed entirely by us with scalability and balance in mind, and is backed up by a 99.9% server uptime guarantee.

True Cloud Platform

Web Accelerators

Make your sites blazing–fast

With QTLabs Inc., you don’t have to remove source code or to cut out your site’s content to make it load faster. By reason of the Web Site Accelerator Tools (Varnish, Memcached and Node.js) incorporated into the Website Control Panel coming with every pack, you will be able to make your website open faster than ever – you’ll be able to make it 10 up to 500 times faster!

Web Accelerators