Monthly Traffic in Cloud Web Hosting
Our cloud web hosting plans are appropriate for any type of small or medium-sized site or even a larger variety of sites. Considering that you can host a number of domains in a single account, we've designed our plans in a way so as to provide all of the functions you may need. Regardless if you run an individual portfolio web site or an eCommerce site, the monthly site traffic allowance that your web site may use will not be an issue. Thus, you will have the opportunity to widen your worldwide web presence and have lots of new site visitors without worrying about reaching some cap. Our Hepsia hosting Control Panel offers you comprehensive details related to the traffic usage to and from your account, which will enable you to take care of all of your sites as well as your account more effectively. You are able to view hourly, daily and monthly results, the site traffic generated by each domain and by the account altogether, the most often downloaded files, etcetera.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers
The monthly web site traffic characteristic of our semi-dedicated hosting plans is unrestricted, or as a number of companies define it, unmetered. In fact, we keep track of the amount of uploaded and downloaded content for each account, yet we won't set a limit, therefore your websites can grow and have more site visitors. We provide you with in-depth info what's going on in your account in order to help you handle your websites more efficiently and to be informed on how they perform. You're able to observe the traffic produced by each and every site along with the most downloaded web page or file. The stats are hourly, daily and monthly. In the ever evolving online world, you'll be able to have a significant number of new site visitors with just a single advertising campaign, therefore by providing a really unlimited package, we'll make sure that you will not lose potential customers due to the fact that your account cannot take care of the website traffic.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers
Taking into consideration how powerful all of our dedicated web hosting plans are, the data transfer that you will receive every month will be sufficient for any type of website whatever the number of its visitors, even if you supply image or file hosting. You'll receive a quota of terabytes of site traffic every month and due to the fact that you will not share the server with others, that quota will be supplied just for your sites and web apps. We will let you know as soon as you get to 90% of your allowance so that you'll be able to react and either optimize your websites to lower the website traffic they make, or increase your limit. It is very unlikely that you will ever need more than what we'll offer you, yet we will not stop the growth of your websites, that's why we leave the chance to add more traffic open. The dedicated server plans come with a management panel where you will be able to see what amount of traffic has been generated so far for the current month and how much is left until you get to the limit. Due to the fact that these figures contain software installations as well as all updates, they're more correct as compared to any hosting Control Panel statistics which include only the website traffic generated by websites.