Boost your site with a a Semi-dedicated Servers In The US.

If you think that your cloud hosting account is not anymore an adequate solution for your own website, but a dedicated server is not up to your budget and too difficult to deal with, you could take advantage of our US semi–dedicated servers.

A semi-dedicated hosting plan is really an extraordinary mix from a cloud web hosting account and a dedicated web hosting plan , which offers the best of the two technologies. It gives you the the effectiveness of a dedicated server (minus the typical server management duties), wrapped in a point & click Website Control Panel that is included with all of our cloud hosting plans at signup.

And due to their individuality, our semi–dedicated servers are available only in our US located datacenter. It actually was the initial data center at which we were able to set up our custom cloud hosting platform plus it provides unmatched power and cooling options. We have also developed a specialized internal network based on enterprise–level Juniper routers and switches. This is the way we can easily guarantee a 99.9% network uptime with all of our Semi-dedicated Servers In The US

One of the many features of our USA–based semi–dedicated servers is the QTLabs Inc. Website Control Panel. It is bundled free of charge with all of our semi–dedicated servers and is designed to run in the cloud. In this way, we spare your server from being forced to provide power to the Control Panel and also your sites all at once. You can utilize the complete server potential only for your sites. And also, the Website Control Panel is loaded with free tools and extra features , which will improve your website.

Other US Hosting Services

The US located datacenter is in addition the home of a few more web hosting services besides our USA based semi–dedicated servers. We offer cloud hosting packages built around an exclusive cloud hosting platform. Every Cloud Web Hosting In The US package boasts a free domain name and unrestricted disk space and traffic quotas. You could go with a Dedicated Web Hosting Plans In The US – the best web hosting solution for those who have a live video streaming website or a CPU–intensive application.

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