ImageMagick and GD are software libraries which should be present on a web server for images to show up on a particular website. They enable you to perform various tasks with the images - create, flip, resize, change colors, etc. These things can easily be done online and in real time, so if you add a static image, for example, the libraries make it possible for a thumbnail to show up on the site or for the image to be resized automatically based on the device and resolution the visitor is using. Both ImageMagick and GD can be employed with many different web programming languages such as PHP, Perl and Python, so you do not need to stick to just one language to create your site. They work with more than a hundred formats, which includes the most frequently used ones - JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, etc.

ImageMagick and GD Library in Cloud Web Hosting

All cloud web hosting plans which we offer are generated on our revolutionary cloud platform and due to the fact that both GD Library and ImageMagick are installed on it, your script apps can use these software suites any time. The libraries are accessible with all of the PHP versions that we provide since we support PHP 4 and a couple of versions of PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8. Regardless if you use a tailor-made script, one of the applications that you're able to install from the Hepsia Control Panel or some third-party application that you find online, you will be able to build feature-rich multi-media sites, like image galleries or socially-oriented portals where both you and your users can work with charts and / or images in real time provided the script has such options.

ImageMagick and GD Library in Semi-dedicated Servers

Each semi-dedicated server plan that we supply is provided with ImageMagick and GD Library support as standard. The libraries will be enabled all the time even if you switch the PHP version that is being used by your account, therefore you won't have to re-enable anything manually if you move from PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8 to PHP 4 or vice versa. If the script app which you use has inbuilt features to work with pictures and graphs, it will work perfectly on our servers, no matter if you've obtained it online, if it is a part of the script library which you will be able to access from the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel or if you created it on your own. When you use our services, you are able to make interactive image galleries, portfolio sites or feature-rich social network portals.