If you need to send out e-mails through an e-mail address with your own domain name, make sure that the provider will give you usage of their SMTP server. The latter is the software system which allows emails to be sent out. SMTP is an acronym for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and it handles all outbound email messages from programs, webmail and contact forms. When a message is sent, the SMTP server confirms with all the DNS servers around the world where the e-mails for the receiving domain name are managed and once it gets this data, it creates a connection into the remote POP/IMAP server to find out if the recipient mailbox exists. When it does, the SMTP server transmits the e-mail body and then the receiving server delivers it to the mail box in which the recipient can open it and see it. With no SMTP server on your server, you will not be able to mail out emails in any way.

SMTP Server in Cloud Web Hosting

With every cloud web hosting plan that we offer, you’re able to make use of our SMTP server and send out email messages through your favorite e mail software, webmail or a script on your web site. The service is available with the packages by default, not as a paid upgrade or on demand, so you can use your email addresses once you create them using your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. We've made in-depth tutorials how one can create a mailbox in the most widespread desktop and smart phone email clients and in addition they feature all SMTP settings that you'll require along with typical issues that you may experience along with their solutions. If you use an online contact page form on your site, all that you should enter is the server name plus your email, so you can get the form working right away.

SMTP Server in Semi-dedicated Servers

All our semi-dedicated hosting plans feature an SMTP server as standard, so you will not need to shell out anything further or require access. You will be able to send email messages if you create a mailbox with any of your domains via your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel. Our in depth guides will teach you how one can create your e-mail address in an email client and can enable you to troubleshoot any issue if you cannot send email messages for whatever reason, because we have gathered the typical problems you could experience along with their solutions in one place. If you have an email form of any sort in your web site, all you need to get it to function is to enter the SMTP name as well as your e-mail. The semi-dedicated server packages are very powerful and they will help you send a large number of emails, making them a terrific choice if you wish to send out regular newsletters to your visitors.